Wednesday, May 31th. This morning, in the academy, we were talking about festivals that are celebrated in England and what festivals we have in Spain.

Later, we were divided in groups and we created our own festival. In our case , it was about food, specifically about pizza.
To finish the morning, we had a videocall with the students that are in our school, La Campiña. They asked us some questions and we answered them in turns . They were very creative, so the questions were different for each of us. Some of their questions were about the weather, our academy, what we are doing here, our trips and a lot more.

Now, we are going to tell you about our afternoon in Poole. Poole is a town that is next to Bournemouth, where we have our house . In this place we went sightseeing : we saw the quay , a hotel , some spectacular streets …

When we arrived there, our teachers gave us some free time to walk around the town . We visited new places and bought some products in a supermarket where the things are cheaper than in Spain . Later ,when our free time finished , we went to visit new places with our teachers.
Later , we went to a shopping center where the clothes were very beautiful. The teachers gave us more free time and we bought some food, clothes and souvenirs.

Finally, at 6pm we took the bus because we and our teachers , Manuel and Rafa, wanted to watch the football Game Sevilla VS Roma.
When we arrived home , we talked with our family about our new experience , we showed them our purchase and they were very enthusiastic about it.

In our opinion, going to Poole was a beautiful experience. Bye !
Posted by Ana Romo, Sofía Jiménez, Lorena Barrera and Erika Segura. 🙂